Two thousand and seventeen.  That means we’ve been doing this for four years now.  Lots of good times had, lots of friends made, and lots of riding bikes.

As our way of saying thanks, we just keep working hard to make each event more memorable, more unique and better for you, our racers.  To put that into more specific terms:  it’ll be more memorable now that the MES now has an Official EWS Qualifier Event as a part of the ’17 campaign.  It’ll be more unique with an event this season with a totally back-to-roots enduro race that will have a lot of people talking.  And, finally, it’ll be better for you due to our sweet, new, shiny SportIDent Air+ contactless timing system.  That’s right, no more beeping the chip at the start and end of each stage.

The 2017 campaign will be a similar format to 2016: Four races and a bonus race, the NAEC.  The Helenduro, The Loloduro, The North American Enduro Cup, The Grand Enduro and Lone Peak’s Revenge.  Buckle up, clip in, and hold on.  It’s going to be a fun summer!

We put on the MES for the same reason we write comments for the HLCNF Forest Plan and tirelessly shovel snow from the pump track at Vigilante Bike Park:  to make riding and racing bicycles better.

– The MBG